Thursday, 27 August 2015

Step by Step to overcome YOUR NEGATIVE EMOTIONS!!!!! ( ONLY 6 STEPS)

I've found that whenever I feel a painful emotion, there are six steps I can take very quickly to break my limiting patterns, find the benefit of that emotion, and set myself up so that in the future I can get the lesson from the emotion and eliminate the pain more quickly. Let's examine them briefly.

Identify What You're Really Feeling
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So often people feel so overloaded they don't even know what they're feeling. All they know is that they're being "attacked" by all these negative emotions and feelings. Instead of feeling overloaded, step back for a moment and ask yourself, "What am I really feeling right now?" If you think at first, "I'm feeling angry," begin to ask yourself, "Am I really feeling angry? Or is it something else? Maybe what I'm really feeling is hurt. Or I feel like I've lost out on something." Realize that a feeling of hurt or a feeling of loss is not as intense as the feeling of anger. Just in taking a moment to identify what you're really feeling, and beginning to question your emotions, you may be able to lower the emotional intensity you're experiencing, and therefore deal with the situation much more quickly and easily.
If, for example, you say, "Right now I feel rejected," you might ask yourself, "Am I feeling rejected, or am I feeling a sense of separation from a person I love? Am I feeling rejected, or am I feeling disappointed! Am I feeling rejected, or am I feeling a little uncomfortable?" Remember the power of Transformational Vocabulary to immediately lower your intensity. Again, as you identify what you're really feeling, you can lower the intensity even more, which makes it much easier to learn from the emotion.

Acknowledge and Appreciate Your Emotions, Knowing They Support You

You never want to make your emotions wrong. The idea that anything you feel is "wrong" is a great way to destroy honest communication with yourself as well as with others. Be thankful that there's a part of your brain that is sending you a signal of support, a call to action to make a change in either your perception of some aspect of your life or in your actions. If you're willing to trust your emotions, knowing that even though you don't understand them at the moment, each and every one you experience is there to support you in making a positive change, you will immediately stop the war you once had with yourself. Instead, you'll feel yourself moving toward simple solutions. Making an emotion "wrong" will rarely cause it to become less intense. Whatever you resist tends to persist. Cultivate the feeling of appreciation for all emotions, and like a child that needs attention, you'll find your emotions "calming down" almost immediately.

Get Curious about the Message This Emotion Is Offering You

Remember the power of changing emotional states? If you put yourself in a state of mind where you truly are feeling curious about learning something, this is an immediate pattern interrupt to any emotion and enables you to learn a great deal about yourself. Getting curious helps you master your emotion, solve the challenge, and prevent the same problem from occurring in the future. As you begin to feel the emotion, get curious about what it really has to offer you. What do you need to do right now to make things better? If you're feeling lonely, for example, get curious and ask, "Is it possible that I'm just misinterpreting the situation to mean that I'm alone, when in reality I have all 
kinds of friends? If I just let them know I want to visit with them, wouldn't they love to visit with me as well? Is my loneliness giving me a message that I need to take action, reach out more and
connect with people?" Here are four questions to ask yourself to become curious about your emotions:
What do I really want to feel?
What would I have to believe in order to feel the way I've been feeling?
What am I willing to do to create a solution and handle this right now?
What can I learn from this?
As you get curious about your emotions, you'll learn important distinctions about them, not only today, but in the future as well.

Get Confident
Get confident that you can handle this emotion immediately. The quickest, simplest, and most powerful way I know to handle any emotion is to remember a time when you felt a similar emotion and realize that you've successfully handled this emotion before. Since you handled it in the past, surely you can handle it again today. The truth is, if you've ever had this Action Signal before and gotten through it, you already have a strategy of how to change your emotional states.
So stop right now and think about that time when you felt the same emotions and how you dealt with them in a positive way. Use this as the role model or checklist for what you can do right now to change how you feel. What did you do back then? Did you change what you were focusing on, the questions you asked yourself, your perceptions? Or did you take some kind of new action? Decide to do the same right now, with the confidence that it will work just as it did before. If you're feeling depressed, for example, and you've been able to turn it around before, ask yourself, "What did I do then?" Did you take some new action like going for a run or making some phone calls? Once you've made some distinctions about what you've done in the past, do the same things now, and you'll find that you’ll get similar results.

Get Certain You Can Handle This Not Only Today, But in the Future as Well

You want to feel certain that you can handle this emotion easily in the future by having a great plan to do so. One way to do this is to simply remember the ways you've handled it in the past, and rehearse handling situations where this Action Signal would come up in the future. See, hear, and feel yourself handling the situation easily. Repetitions of this with emotional intensity will create within you a neural pathway of certainty that you can easily deal with such challenges. In addition, jot down on a piece of paper three or four other ways that you could change your perception when an Action Signal comes up, or ways that you could change how you were communicating your feelings or needs, or ways that you could change the actions you were taking in this particular situation.

Get Excited, and Take Action

Now that you've finished the first five steps—identified what you were really feeling, appreciated the emotion instead of fighting it, gotten curious about what it really meant and the lesson it was offering you, learned from it, figured out how to turn things around by modeling your successful past strategies for handling the emotion, and rehearsed dealing with it in future situations and installed a sense of certainty—the final step is obvious: Get excited, and take action! Get excited about the fact that you can easily handle this emotion, and take some action right away to prove that you've handled it. Don't stay stuck in the limiting emotions you're having. Express yourself by using what you rehearsed internally to create a change in your perceptions or your actions. Remember that the new distinctions you've just made will change the way you feel not only today, but how you deal with this emotion in the future.
With these six simple steps, you can master virtually any emotion that comes up in your life. If you find yourself dealing with the same emotion again and again, this six-step method will help you identify the pattern and change it in a very short period of time. So practice using this system. Like anything else that's brand-new, at first this may seem cumbersome72. But the more you do it, the easier it will become to use, and pretty soon you'll find yourself being able to navigate your way through what you used to think were emotional minefields.
What you’ll see instead will be a field of personal coaches guiding you each step of the way, showing you where you need to go to achieve your goals.
Remember, the best time to handle an emotion is when you first begin to feel it. It's much more difficult to interrupt an emotional pattern once it's full-blown. My philosophy is, "Kill the monster while it's little." Use this system quickly, as soon as the Action Signal makes itself known, and you’ll find yourself being able to quickly handle virtually any emotion. 

Sunday, 23 August 2015

The Power of Emotion!

"There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion." CARL JUNG

I'd like to introduce you to a fellow named Walt. Walt is a good, decent human being who always tries to do the right thing. He has his life down to a science: everything in its proper place and in the correct order. Weekdays he arises at exactly 6:30, showers and shaves, gulps down some coffee, grabs his lunch pail filled with the requisite bologna sandwich and Twinkles, and runs out the door by 7:10 to
spend forty-five minutes in traffic. He arrives at his desk by 8:00, where he sits down to do the same job he's been doing for the past twenty years.

At 5:00 he goes home, pops the top on a "cold one," and grabs the TV remote-control. An hour later his wife comes home and they decide whether to eat leftovers or throw a pizza in the microwave. After dinner he watches the news while his wife bathes their kid and puts him to bed. By no later than 9:30 he's in the sack. He devotes his weekends to yard work, car maintenance, and sleeping in. Walt and his new wife have been married for three years, and while he wouldn't exactly describe their relationship as "inflamed with passion," it's comfortable—even though lately it seems to be repeating a lot of the same patterns of his first marriage.

Do you know someone just like Walt? Maybe he's someone you know intimately—someone who never suffers the depths of utter devastation or despondency, but also someone who never revels in the heights of passion and joy. I've heard it said that the only difference between a rut and a grave is a
few feet, and over a century ago, Thoreau observed that "the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." As we move into the next century, this phrase is unfortunately more applicable than ever. If there's one thing I've noticed in the countless letters I've received since I wrote Unlimited Power, it's the overwhelming prevalence of this kind of disassociation in people's lives—something that just "happened" out of their desire to avoid pain—and the hunger with which they seize upon an

opportunity to feel more alive, more passionate, more electric. From my perspective, as I travel
around the world, meeting people from all walks of life and "feeling the pulse" of literally hundreds of thousands of individuals, we all seem to instinctively realize the risk of emotional "flatline," and desperately seek ways to get our hearts pumping again.
So many suffer from the delusion that emotions are entirely out of their control, that they're just something that spontaneously occurs in reaction to the events of our lives. Often we dread emotions
as if they were viruses that zero in on us and attack when we're most vulnerable. Sometimes we think of them as "inferior cousins" to our intellect and discount their validity. Or we assume that emotions arise in response to what others do or say to us. What's the common element in all these global beliefs? It's the misconception that we have no control over these mysterious things called emotions.
Out of their need to avoid feeling certain emotions, people will often go to great, even ridiculous, lengths. They'll turn to drugs, alcohol, overeating, gambling; they'll lapse into debilitating depression.
In order to avoid "hurting" a loved one (or being hurt by one), they'll suppress all emotions, end up as emotional androids, and ultimately destroy all the feelings of connection that got them together in the first place, thus devastating the ones they love most.
I believe there are four basic ways in which people deal with emotion. Which of these have you used today?

1. Avoidance. We all want to avoid painful emotions. As a result, most people try to avoid any situation that could lead to the emotions that they fear—or worse, some people try not to feel any emotions at all! If, for example, they fear rejection, they try to avoid any situation that could lead to rejection. They shy away from relationships. They don't apply for challenging jobs. Dealing with emotions in this way is the ultimate trap, because while avoiding negative situations may protect you
in the short term, it keeps you from feeling the very love, intimacy, and connection that you desire

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most. And ultimately, you can't avoid feeling. A much more powerful approach is to learn to find the hidden, positive meaning in those things you once thought were negative emotions.

2. Denial. A second approach to dealing with emotion is the denial strategy. People often try to disassociate from their feelings by saying, "It doesn't feel that bad." Meanwhile, they keep stoking the fire within themselves by thinking about how horrible things are, or how someone has taken advantage of them, or how they do everything right but things still turn out wrong, and why does this always happen to them? In other words, they never change their focus or physiology, and they keep asking the same disempowering questions. Experiencing an emotion and trying to pretend it's not there only creates more pain. Once again, ignoring the messages that your emotions are trying to give you will not make things better. If the message your emotions are trying to deliver is ignored, the emotions simply increase their amperage; they intensify until you finally pay attention. Trying to deny your emotions is not the solution. Understanding them and using them is the strategy you'll learn in this chapter.

3. Competition. Many people stop fighting their painful emotions and decide to fully indulge in them. Rather than learn the positive message their emotion is trying to give them, they intensify it and make it even worse than it is. It becomes a "badge of courage," and they begin to compete with others, saying, "You think you've got it bad? Let me tell you how bad I've got it!" It literally becomes part of their identity, a way of being unique; they begin to pride themselves on being worse off than anyone else. As you can imagine, this is one of the deadliest traps of all. This approach must be avoided at all costs, because it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy where the person ends up having an investment in feeling bad on a regular basis—and then they are truly trapped. A much more powerful and healthy approach to dealing with the emotions that we think are painful is to realize that they serve a positive purpose, and that is ...

4. Learning and Using. If you want to make your life really work, you must make your emotions work for you. You can't run from them; you can't tune them out; you can't trivialize them or delude yourself about what they mean. Nor can you just allow them to run your life. Emotions, even those that seem painful in the short term, are truly like an internal compass that points you toward the actions you must take to arrive at your goals. Without knowing how to use this compass, you'll be forever at the mercy of any psychic tempest that blows your way.
Many therapeutic disciplines begin with the mistaken presupposition that emotions are our enemies or that our emotional well-being is rooted in our past. The truth is that you and I can go from crying to laughing in a heartbeat if the pattern of our mental focus and physiology is merely interrupted strongly enough. Freudian psychoanalysis, for example, searches for those "deep, dark secrets" in our past to explain our present difficulties. Yet we all know that whatever you continually look for, you will surely find. If you're constantly looking for the reasons why your past has hamstrung your present, or why you're so "screwed up," then your brain will comply by providing references to back up your request and generate the appropriate negative emotions. How much better it would be to adopt the global belief that "your past does not equal your future"!
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The only way to effectively use your emotions is to understand that they all serve you. You must learn from your emotions and use them to create the results you want for a greater quality of life. The emotions you once thought of as negative are merely a call to action. In fact, instead of calling them negative emotions, from now on in this chapter, let's call them Action Signals. Once you're familiar with each signal and its message, your emotions become not your enemy but your ally. They become your friend, your mentor, your coach; they guide you through life's most soaring highs and its most demoralizing lows. Learning to use these signals frees you from your fears and allows you to experience all the richness of which we humans are capable. To get to this point, then, you must change your global beliefs about what emotions are. They are not predators, substitutes for logic, or products of other people's whims. They are Action Signals trying to guide you to the promise of a greater quality of life.
If you merely react to your emotions through an avoidance pattern, then you'll miss out on the invaluable message they have to offer you. If you continue to miss the message and fail to handle the emotions when they first turn up, they'll grow into full-blown crises. All our emotions are important and valuable in the proper amounts, timing, and context.

Realize that the emotions you are feeling at this very moment are a gift, a guideline, a support system, a call to action. If you suppress your emotions and try to drive them out of your life, or if you magnify them and allow them to take over everything, then you're squandering one of life's most precious resources.

So what is the source of emotions? You are the source of all your emotions; you are the one who creates them. So many people feel that they have to wait for certain experiences in order to feel the emotions they desire. For instance, they don't give themselves permission to feel loved or happy or confident unless a particular set of expectations is met. I'm here to tell you that you can feel any way you choose at any moment in time.

At the seminars I conduct near my home in Del Mar, California, we've created a fun anchor to remind us who is really responsible for our emotions. These seminars are held in an exquisite, four-star resort, the Inn L'Auberge, which sits right on the ocean, and is also near the train station. About four times a day, you can hear the train whistle loudly as it passes through. Some seminar participants would become irritated at the interruption (remember, they didn't know about Transformational Vocabulary yet!), so I decided that this was the perfect opportunity to turn frustration into fun. "From now on," I said, "whenever we hear that train howl, we'll celebrate. I want to see how good you can make yourselves feel whenever you hear that train. We're always waiting for the right person or right situation to come along before we feel good. But who determines whether this is the right person or situation? When you do feel good, who's making you feel good? You are! But you simply have a rule that says you have to wait until A, B, and C occur before you allow yourself to feel good. Why wait? Why not set up a rule that says that whenever you hear a train whistle, you'll automatically feel great? The good news is that the train whistle is probably more consistent and predictable than the people you're hoping will show up to make you feel good!"
Now, whenever we hear the train pass, jubilation ensues. People immediately jump out of their chairs, cheer and holler, and act like silly maniacs—including doctors, lawyers, CEOs—people who were

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supposedly intelligent before they arrived! As everyone sits back down, uproarious laughter ensues. What's the lesson? You don't have to wait for anything or anyone! You don't need any special reason to feel good—you can just decide to feel good right now, simply because you're alive, simply because you want to.
So if you're the source of all your emotions, why don't you feel good all the time? Again, it's because your so-called negative emotions are giving you a message. What is the message of these Action Signals?
They're telling you that what you're currently doing is not working, that the reason you have pain is either the way you're perceiving things or the procedures you're using: specifically, the way you're communicating your needs and desires to people, or the actions you're taking.

What you're doing is not producing the result you want, and you have to change your approach. Remember that your perceptions are controlled by what you focus on and the meanings you interpret from things. And you can change your perception in a moment, just by changing the way you're using your physiology or by asking yourself a better question.

Your procedures include your style of communication. Maybe you're being too harsh in the way you communicate, or maybe your procedure is not even communicating your needs, and you're expecting other people to know what you need. This could create a lot of frustration, anger, and hurt in your life. Maybe this Action Signal of feeling hurt is trying to tell you that you need to change your way of communicating so you don't feel hurt again in the future. Feeling depressed is another call to action, telling you that you need to change your perception that the problems you're dealing with are permanent or out of control. Or, you need to take some kind of physical action to handle one area of your life so that once again you remember that you are in control.

This is the true message of all your Action Signals. They're merely trying to support you in taking action to change the way you think, change the way you're perceiving things, or change your procedures for communicating or behaving. These calls to action are there to remind you that you don't want to be like the fly who keeps banging himself against the window, trying to get through the glass—if you don't change your approach, all the persistence in the world will never pay off. Your Action Signals are whispering to you (perhaps screaming!), through the experience of pain, that you need to change what you're doing. 

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Life Changing Metaphor!

Now, let's look at certain words that carry even more meaning and emotional intensity: metaphors. In order to understand metaphors, we must first understand symbols. What creates more immediate impact: the word "Christian" or the image of a cross? If you're like many people, the cross has more power to produce immediate positive emotions. It's literally nothing but two intersecting lines, but it has the power to communicate a standard and a way of life to millions of people.

 Regardless of religious beliefs, most would agree that Jesus Christ was a remarkable teacher whose message of love has endured not only because of what he said, but also the way in which he said it. He didn't go to the fishermen and tell them he wanted them to recruit Christians; they would have no reference for recruiting. So he told them he wanted them to become "fishers of men."

The minute he used that metaphor, they immediately understood what they needed to do. This metaphor instantly gave them an analogous step-by-step process for how to bring others into the faith. When he told his parables, he distilled complex ideas into simple images that transformed anyone who took their message to heart. In fact, not only was Jesus a master storyteller, but he used his whole life as a metaphor to illustrate the strength of God's love and the promise of redemption.

So try the following exercise:

1. What is life? Write down the metaphors you've already chosen: "Life is like. . ." what? Brainstorm everything you can think of, because you probably have more than one metaphor for life. When you're in an unresourceful state, you probably call it a battle or a war, and when you're in a good state, maybe you think of it as a gift. Write them all down. Then review your list and ask yourself, "If life is such and such, what does it mean to me?" If life is sacred, what does that mean? If life is a dream, what does that mean? If all the world is a stage, what does that mean? Each of your metaphors empower and limit. "All the world's a stage" may be great because it means you can go out there and

make a difference and be heard. But it also may mean you're someone who's always performing, instead of sharing your true feelings. So take a good look at the metaphors that you've made available to yourself. What are their advantages and disadvantages? What new metaphors might you like to apply to your life in order to feel more happy, free, and empowered?

2. Make a list of all the metaphors that you link to relationships or marriage. Are they empowering or disempowering? Remember, conscious awareness alone can transform your metaphors, because your brain starts to say, "That doesn't work—that's ridiculous.'" And you can adopt a new metaphor easily. The beauty of this technology is that it's so simple.

3. Pick another area of your life that impacts you most—whether it's your business, your parents, your children, your ability to learn—and discover your metaphors for this area. Write these metaphors down and study their impact. Write down, "Learning is like playing." If studying is like "pulling teeth," you
can imagine the pain you're giving yourself! This might be a good metaphor to change, and change now/ Once again, notice the positive and negative consequences of each of your metaphors. Exploring them can create new choices for your life.

4. Create new, more empowering metaphors for each of these areas. Decide that from now on you're going to think of life as four or five new things to start with, at least. Life is not a war. Life is not a test. Life is a game, life is a dance, life is sacred, life is a gift, life is a picnic— whatever creates the most positive emotional intensity for you.

5. Finally, decide that you are going to live with these new, empowering metaphors for the next thirty days.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Decision and Destiny

What a beautiful Sunday morning for daytime outing with lovely girl! 
Just love the dating with Alice :) 

Also meet a Korean K pop star... hehe... Just Kidding...

as usual, 
fabulous object to be shot!
This is Famous Merdeka Square in KL! 

What makes the difference in the quality of people’s lives? What is the single factor that shapes and controls our ultimate destiny?
Most people think that biography is destiny, that the past equals the future. And you know what? It can—but only if you live there. Any study of history shows that the difference in human beings comes down to one thing: an ability to harness the power of decision, often in spite of adverse conditions. The history of our world is the result of decisions.
“Success and failure are not overnight experiences. It’s the small decisions along the way that cause people to fail or succeed.”
–Anthony Robbins
It’s the power of decision that caused Rosa Parks to remain in her seat and state, “No, I will not go to the back of the bus.” It took a forceful decision to compel an unarmed man to stand in front of a tank at Tiananmen Square. It was the strength of decision that led President John F. Kennedy to declare that an American would be first to walk on the moon by the end of the 1960s.
Decision is the ultimate power—and there are three core decisions each of us makes every moment we’re alive. These decisions have the capacity to empower, advance, frustrate or derail us, depending on what we choose:

Decision 1: What are you going to focus on?

Do you focus on things you’re excited about or things you fear? Whatever you focus on, you experience. Wherever focus goes, energy flows.

Decision 2: What does this mean?

Is this the end or the beginning? Are you being punished or rewarded? The minute you decide to focus on something, you give it a meaning. How you define an event produces emotion and determines how you feel going forward.

Decision 3: What are you going to do?

Are you going to give up or follow through? The meanings we assign to events influence what actions we take as a result. It’s our decisions, not our
conditions, that ultimately shape the quality of our lives. At any moment the decision you make can change the course of your life forever.
“The man who has inspired millions to change their lives! [Tony] brings out the best in all of us. The world is a better place because of him.”
—Larry King, Emmy Award-Winning host of Larry King Live on CNN

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week 2015

A model presents a creation by Lee Bao En from UCSI University during the Grand Finale of AirAsia Runway Ready Designer Search 2015 at the Pavilion in Kuala Lumpur.

A model struts down the runway wearing a dress flared out to evoke images of Cambodia's historic temples. With its textured fabric and earthy tones, the model walks down the catwalk with modest confidence, a large olive scarf covering her mouth and neck.
The striking design is one of up-and-coming designer Lee Bao En, 22, who was crowned winner of the first ever AirAsia Runway Ready Designer Search earlier today.
Lee, from UCSI, was inspired by the rich history of Cambodia, and wowed both judges and the audience during the finale fashion show which was held on the last day of Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week Ready to Wear 2015.

Three Keys to an extraordinary life ( BY TONY ROBBINS)

What’s the common denominator among leaders? They use the emotions of hunger and drive to compel them to where they want to go. Very simply, they defy the odds—by defying their fears, limitations, and even conventional wisdom at times as well as the cultural hypnosis that leads them to accept struggle, scarcity, hopelessness and loss as unavoidable. Willing to do everything necessary to achieve their vision, leaders have set a higher standard for what they want from their lives. They have decided to step up—to take immediate action to turn their dreams into reality.
Leaders consistently engage the three keys to creating an extraordinary life. When you employ these strategies, you’ll tap into the unique hunger and drive within you, and begin propelling yourself into a life of abundance.

1. Raise Your Standards

“If you don’t set a baseline standard for what you’ll accept in your life, you’ll find it’s easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or a quality of life that’s far below what you deserve.”

—Anthony Robbins
How do you unleash the power and drive within all of us that can move mountains and overcome obstacles to get where we want to go? What it really comes down to is setting a new, higher standard. We are all driven to seek fulfillment, but we will often settle for comfort, where we want the result without the effort. Tell yourself that you will no longer settle for a life of passive indifference. If you want the ultimate rewards, you must live by the ultimate standards—you must decide right now to turn all of your “shoulds” into “musts.” What are you no longer willing to settle for in your life?

2. Change Your Limiting Beliefs

In order to create the life you desire, you must change any beliefs that are limiting you. (Remember, a belief is nothing but a feeling of certainty about what something means.) Ask yourself what has been keeping you from accomplishing all that you deserve. Is it a belief that you aren’t strong enough, rich enough, that you don’t have enough time? You must defy those beliefs, eradicate them from your consciousness and replace them with new, empowering ones. Now is the time to author a new story—one of love, achievement and impact.

3. Adopt an Effective Strategy

High standards and empowering beliefs are not enough; you must develop an intelligent strategy for success. And this is easier than it sounds! Success leaves clues; you can model others who have achieved the same things you desire. But it’s not about positive thinking; you must be willing to take massive action toward your goals.
Of course, it’s important to stop to enjoy the simple pleasures that life offers. But a life without challenges, without opportunities to grow beyond your current confines, will most certainly lead to dissatisfaction. The ultimate state of grace is one in which you are happy and driven, where you’re applying these three keys to create an extraordinary quality of life.
“I’ve had the privilege of knowing Tony Robbins for many years, and his strategies for peak performance have contributed tremendously to my ability to stay focused and passionate in every area of my life. My success and fulfillment have been greatly influenced by his compassion for helping people build a better quality of life.”
—David Welch, Movie Producer, The Peaceful Warrior

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Power of Choice

Tony Robbins – The Power of Choice
I just came across this video of Tony Robbins and it is absolutely amazing.  I recommend everyone watches it and passes it on to their friends and family.  I have just listed a few treasures from the session that grabbed my attention:
  • Stress doesn’t come from the facts it comes from the meaning we give the facts.  When we give it a new meaning we get a new life.
  • What is the single force that controls the quality of our life? We have the power of Choice.  We can not control the events but we can choose what to focus on. It is not our conditions but our decisions that control our life.
  • Sometimes a little decision changes our whole life.
  • What you eat determines your physical destiny.
  • Decisions EQUAL Destiny.
  • If you want to change any of your life you have the choice
  • The biggest decisions start with the little decisions  like what am I going to focus on; whatever you focus on you are going to feel.
  • Seek and you shall find.
  • The secret is to become conscious about your decision making.
  • New life comes from new choices.
  • You get to choose the meaning of anything.
  • Is this the end or the beginning, you get to decide.
  • If you want to get a great relationship treat people like you did at the beginning of the relationship and there won’t be an end.
  • Little choices start to affect your whole life.
  • Your destiny is focused on your decisions.
  • Life is the dance between what we desire most and fear most.
  • What makes people happy is progress.
  • A breakthrough happens when you make a new choice.

5 steps on how you are going to change:
  1. See it as it as, but not worse than it is.
  2. Get to the truth and deal with it.
  3. Get a vision and get strong.
  4. Get a role model and learn their strategy.
  5. Give more than you expect to receive.
Five questions to ask yourself?
  1. What has been one of the toughest times in your life that you have got through?
  2. What pulled you through?
  3. What was your life like before the crisis?
  4. What did you do to turn things around?
  5. How is your life better today because you went through the crisis?

Monday, 10 August 2015

Empowering and Transforming "WORDS" !

Words have incredible power in our lives. For one, they provide us with a vehicle for expressing and sharing our experiences with others. Most of us don’t realize, however, that the words you habitually choose also affect what you experience. Transformational Vocabulary is about how you can take control of your habitual vocabulary to change the quality of your life. Simply by changing your habitual vocabulary—the words you consistently use to describe the emotions of your life—you can instantly change how you think, feel and how you live.
What’s interesting is how two people can experience the exact same sensations differently in their bodies by virtue of the labels they put on the experience. For example, one person may feel “frustrated” while the other just feels “a little confused.” It amounts to a huge difference in the way we feel, and when we change the way we feel, we change the way we behave.
Consider this example: In a business meeting with two partners, the same event triggered a dramatically different response in each person. The CEO went into an absolute rage, whereas the second partner seemed to have no reaction at all.
The enraged CEO believed that “rage” made him stronger and enabled him to deal with the situation. Rage was his way out of pain. Conversely, the partner who felt only “mildly annoyed” was acting on a belief that getting too upset would make him lose control of the situation, and that would mean too much pain. He wasn’t disassociating; he honestly was not feeling the intense anger.
This is the essence of Transformational Vocabulary: the words that we attach to our experience become our experience, regardless of whether it’s objectively accurate or not.
Therefore, if we want to change our lives and our destiny, we need to consciously choose the words we use to describe our emotional states. What would happen if, the next time you were in a situation that used to make you feel angry, instead you felt annoyed? Or if you used a word like “peeved” instead of “enraged” to describe your experience? Maybe instead of feeling “worried,” what if you used the words, “I’m a little concerned,” or “I need some clarification”?
Conversely, if someone asks you how you’re doing, think of the difference between responses like “Oh, I’m okay, I guess” and “I’m feeling on top of the world!” The labels we put on our experience become our experience. Choose your words wisely.
Pick your words correctly! Instead of saying " i am depressed", why not " this is a challenge to me, but I can overcome it! " Instead of " i am ok..." , why not "I am OUTRAGEOUS! " 
Can you see the difference? By choosing your words carefully, you can not only change your state from depressed to ready to accept the challenge, you can even elevate your state by EMPOWERING words! 
Therefore, PICK the correct WORD to define your mood, your state and YOUR future! If you want to change your life, if you want to shape your decisions and your actions, shifting your emotional patterns are the key.  One fundamental tool that can change it faster than anything else is consciously selecting the words you’re going to use to describe how you feel.  This is how you create a level of choice instead of a habitual reaction.

Friday, 7 August 2015

How to Build Rapport!

5 Powerful Tips on Creating Instant Rapport- Tony Robbins Notes - The Magic of Rapport

1) Rapport is created by a feeling of commonality.

The more we have in common with others and the more we pay attention to them, the more rapport we build with them.

2) Matching and mirroring breathing, tone, voice, posture, gestures, pace of speech, proximity, and touch - all of them can put you into rapport.

Every word and action makes us either similar or different from the person we are interacting with. Be as in-sync as possible to stay in rapport.

3) People like people who are like themselves or how they would like to be.

The more we can be like a chameleon, to become like the other person, the more we are in rapport.

4) Style is more important than substance... initially.

People decide whether they trust and like you in under a minute upon meeting you for the first time. First impressions last for a long time! Make it positive, and you're off to a great start. Pay attention to your words and actions to continue being in rapport!

5) Words only makes up 7% of our conversations. Physiology makes up 55% of conversations.

Pay attention on HOW you say and do things, rather than WHAT you say and do. People receive more of what you are communicating through your actions than through your words.

In short, we must learn from great GURU in order to be success in our life! 

How to do it?

First engage in conversation by asking questions. Questions don’t build rapport but they are a tool we use to dig for something. Find something in common. People like people who are like themselves or are like the person they wish to become. Rapport is created with feeling of commonality. When you feel you have something in common with someone there’s a spark. 7% of our communication is done with words the rest is done with tonality and body language.

Mirroring and Matching

This happens when you becoming like the person you are communicating with. Matching body language, volume / tone of voice. What ever they put out send the same message back. Style is more important than substance initially but without substance the relationship won’t last.
Body language – You can match posture, gesture, eye contact, and breathing.
Voice – If you mirror someone’s tonality of voice they will connect with you and not even know  city talkers, people who speak slow think fast talking people are untrustworthy.Other ways of matching voice are volume of voice and use the same terminology they use.
Proximity - Space needed to feel comfortable. This is different for everyone. Look at body language to make sure you are at the right proximity. If they tighten up, move sideways,or turn away from you this means they feel uncomfortable.
Touch - You can build more rapport by touching someone then anything you could ever say.  Match handshake. Pats on the back or shoulder. Be careful with this. Don’t want to freak people out by being too touchy feely.
Don’t duplicate someone’s accent – If you do this wrong you will destroy any chance of building rapport.
You don’t have to mirror everything someone does to have rapport. You can build it with just matching a few things like leg position and tone of voice.

Pictures to share!